Robert Killington

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Review of A Wrinkle in Time by Madelaine L’Engle

I can’t remember why I bought this book. It was probably prompted by something I read. It’s catalogued as a children’s book, and published in the UK by Puffin Books. I think some of the best books are written for children – look at the Harry Potter series by J K Rowling.

I enjoyed this story, which I have now discovered is the first of a series of five. The blurb on the back of the book says:

“Charles and Meg, and their friend Calvin, travel through a ‘wrinkle in time’ in search of their missing father. But can they beat the evil forces they meet on their dangerous journey through time and space?”

Spoiler alert: it’s a feel good book …

I found the story engrossing. I was quickly absorbed by the story. The characters are developed in the first part of the book. I found it easy to suspend my hold on reality and enjoy the story.

For a child, there are some interesting learning points, such as, adults make mistakes too – I’ll just mention the issues caused when they arrive on a two dimensional planet. It’s very tempting to give too much of the plot away, so I’ll stop here. If you, or your children, are into science fiction, you (or they) may find this a good read.

You can probably get this book from all good bookshops, and Amazon. Although Amazon is cheap, I encourage you to find and support your local independent book shop.