Robert Killington

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In the past week, I have come across two magazines in a newsagent. The finds have been serendipitous. I have been wanting to have a look at these magazines for a while without committing to a subscription. What are they? They are:

Flow Magazine; and

Daphne’s Diary.

I’ve enjoyed looking at Flow Magazine, I bought the copy I found. The contents are a mix of self-help articles and creative ideas. I got issue 26 which came with four postcards. These were black and white pictures of Sophia Loren, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, and Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. It also contained a small booklet with the title Creativity Takes Courage which explains ways to build on one’s creativity, leading to a body of work.

In Daphne’s Diary, I found a lot more of interest to me, and I bought the rather battered copy as it appeared to be the only one they had. It’s an eclectic mix of articles ranging from short stories to recipes to things to make. The presentation is light. The magazine also came with ‘extras’. There were jam jar stickers to go with the article on making jam, and a “mini bullet journal” with instructions on how to use it. The notebook is A6 size and has only a few pages. Useful for scribbling notes rather than setting up a bullet journal!

Where did I find them? In that ubiquitous UK newsagents and stationers, W H Smith.